Exceptional Tradie Solutions

Venue Appliance Service and Repairs

Who They Are: 

Venue Appliance Service and Repairs specializes in servicing commercial kitchen equipment across Greater Melbourne.

What They Came to Us With: 

They were overwhelmed with admin tasks and had $125,000 worth of jobs that were either not invoiced or not followed up.

How We Helped: 

– Provided call answering and reception support.

– Managed ServiceM8 scheduling and day-to-day job management.

– Offered adhoc admin support, including chasing invoices and payments.

– Handled invoicing and quoting

– Maintained their ServiceM8 account


We successfully recovered $100,000 in payments, significantly improving their cash flow and client relationships. Their admin and job management processes are now streamlined, resulting in happier clients and a more organized business. We also got the remaining $25,000 paid eventually as well and ensured that moving forward that processes were in place to ensure future invoices were sent and paid on time.

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